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Youth Lagoon 2024 Beautiful Girl

Youth Lagoon returns with new single, "My Beautiful Girl"

08 October 2024, 13:27 | Written by Tyler Damara Kelly

Youth Lagoon, the alias of Idaho-based producer and composer Trevor Powers, has returned with a new single, “My Beautiful Girl.”

Songwriting just feels like receiving messages from a portal and transcribing them,” says Powers. “Some nights I’ll wake up at 3am and words feel like they’re bludgeoning my skull with a baseball bat. Most times, I don’t even know what they mean. I don’t think I’m supposed to. It’s only my job to listen, be constant, and write them down. And if I’m not a faithful steward of that job, those words will find someone else who is.”

Speaking of the new song, Youth Lagoon says: "There’s a near-ghost town in western Idaho called Idaho City — about 30 minutes from home. I go there often to swim in the river, pray, and be alone in the country. Last time I went, I hiked through the cemetery (known as ‘Boothill’ ‘cuz of all the miners that died with their boots on) and saw a gravestone in darkness and dry weeds that said only, “My Beautiful Girl.” No name. No dates. Just love. Who was this beautiful girl? The portal opened, and I wrote down the message.”

"My Beautiful Girl" follows the single "Lucy Takes A Picture", released earlier this year. Both tracks are now available on exclusive 7”.

"My Beautiful Girl" is out now. For more information on the 7" vinyl release, visit

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