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Xiu Xiu announce new album, 13" Frank Beltrame Italian Stiletto with Bison Horn Grips

26 June 2024, 11:47 | Written by Tyler Damara Kelly

Xiu Xiu have announced the forthcoming new album, 13" Frank Beltrame Italian Stiletto with Bison Horn Grips, alongside the lead single, "Common Loon".

Jamie Stewart calls the song: “A boogie embrace for queer perverts across the multiverse.”

The release of “Common Loon” comes with an NSFW video which was shot, directed, edited, and stars performance artist Alicia McDaid as “Mcdazzler, Britney Spears, The Angelologist, Smurfette, Garfield, Pepe, Anna Nicole Smith Joker, Led Zeppelin groupie, Galactica Darkstar, Jason Voorhees, Frida Kardashian, Viagra, Goth Monica Geller, Chemtrails, Ghöstmilf, She Hulk, Carmela Soprano, Cathy, Bret Michaels Andy Warhol and Odie.”

Of the video, Stewart shares: “The song ‘Common Loon,’ for us, is about revelling in perversity, cuckooness, queerness and/or the unquenchable personal requirement to wild out. As MASSIVE fans of Alicia McDazzler's work, we could think of no one else more qualified to embody those ways of being and no one else who would crank them up further than we would have ever imagined. She is an inspiration and icon to all LOONS!"

The album’s announcement is accompanied by the confirmation of extensive world tour including a return to the UK in November with shows in Bristol, Brighton, Oxford, Cardiff, London, and more.


  1. Arp Omni
  2. Maestro One Chord
  3. Common Loon
  4. Pale Flower
  5. Veneficium
  6. Sleep Blvd.
  7. T.D.F.T.W.
  8. Bobby Bland
  9. Piña, Coconut & Cherry

13" Frank Beltrame Italian Stiletto with Bison Horn Grips is due for release on 27 September via Polyvinyl and is available to pre-order now.

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