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SXSW will drop its US army sponsorship for 2025

26 June 2024, 16:20 | Written by Tyler Damara Kelly

Following a chaotic 2024 edition filled with dropouts and boycotts, SXSW has announced that it will be severing ties with its US sponsorship for 2025.

In the lead up to the 2024 festival, multiple musicians have pulled out of SXSW events and showcases in protest of its connections to the US Army and defence contractors. KNEECAP, Scowl, bar italia, Cumgirl8, VLURE, Squirrel Flower, Rachel Chinouriri, GEL, Mamalarky, and Lambrini Girls were among many artists who have decide to pull their showcases at SXSW. Some decided to play unofficial showcases in Austin, Texas, whilst others decided to boycott the event completely.

At the time, SXSW said that they "fully respect the decision these artists made", and clearing up their ties with the US Army. "We are an organization that welcomes diverse viewpoints. Music is the soul of SXSW, and it has long been our legacy. We fully respect the decision these artists made to exercise their right to free speech," their statement began." Now, they've revealed that they will not be using the same sponsors for next year's event.

“After careful consideration, we are revising our sponsorship model. As a result, the US Army, and companies who engage in weapons manufacturing, will not be sponsors of SXSW 2025," read a statement on their website.

This comes just after Barclaycard withdraw from Download, Latitude, Bestival and Isle of Wight festivals after mass artist boycotts which began with over a third of the lineup for The Great Escape pulling out of the festival – there were 161 artist walkouts in solidarity after voicing concern over Barclays’ involvement in Israel’s ongoing genocide in Gaza.

A spokesperson for Art Against the Arms Trade, who are calling on all UK festivals to sever ties with Barclays, said: “This is a massive victory for our movement and shows the incredible power we have if we stand together against the profiteers of war. This sends a strong message to other festival organisers around the world: if they don’t stand on the side of humanity and cut ties with the war machine, we will continue to organise in solidarity with the Palestinian people — and we will win.”

For more information, visit SXSW is set to come to London in 2025. More details about the SXSW London 2025 programme will be announced in the coming months, with badges due to go on sale in October 2024. Register your interest at

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