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Sleaford Mods and Jarvis Cocker support Crash The Party voter turnout campaign

26 June 2024, 11:16 | Written by Tyler Damara Kelly

Jarvis Cocker and Sleaford Mods have responded to calls from Festival Republic’s Melvin Benn and green entrepreneur Dale Vince to lend their support to the voter turnout campaign Crash the Party.

Responding to a call from Dale Vince, green entrepreneur and founder of the Just Vote campaign, and industry giants Festival Republic, the artists are publicly backing the call to encourage festival goers aged 18-34 to vote in the 4 July election. Youth turnout has historically been lower than within other demographics, with a third of the UK population up to the age of 34 not registered.

Melvin Benn, Managing Director of Festival Republic said: “It’s never been clearer that festivals and the industry at large can be a force for good – it’s been amazing to see so many artists pick up the mantle and speak up. Young people are conscious and engaged with politics like never before, and it’s a testament to the importance of this election that so many artists are coming together to help channel that energy and conviction into the democratic process.”

“We’ve been overwhelmed by the response to our call out. The music industry has so much power to influence its audience, so we’re incredibly grateful to all of these artists for backing the campaign and using that power for good," Dale Vince, founder of Crash the Party and Just Vote said. “With the voter registration deadline now passed, we’re all focused on making sure people turn up, bring their ID, and have their voices heard – by continuing to get the word out, we can make sure that every single vote counts come 4th July.”

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