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Personal Trainer Still Willing

Personal Trainer announce their forthcoming album, Still Willing

22 May 2024, 11:29 | Written by Tyler Damara Kelly

Dutch collective Personal Trainer have announced their brand new album, Still Willing, alongside the brand new single, "Round”.

Commenting on the track frontman Willem Smit says: “Round was one of the last songs to make it onto the album. I had most of the record mapped out, but I felt it needed something that in The Netherlands I would call “een lekker nummertje”, which I guess means something in-between ‘a banger’ or ‘a tasty little ditty’. Or something. I tend to want one of those on records I make.”

Video director Kilian Kayser adds: “The idea of making a video with an orange playing the role of Willem seemed fun. So we organized a last-minute show with an orange on lead vocals at the Helikopter in Amsterdam and spent a day wandering through the city to shoot the video. A major inspiration was the video for ‘Tom Courtenay’ by Yo La Tengo. I thought it would be a fun idea to end the clip with a live show. It's my favourite typical music video trope. A sort of feel-good happy ending with a band making everything right for the protagonist on an uncomfortably small stage.”

The forthcoming second album follows their 2022 debut, Big Love Blanket, and as Willem says, is a record fuelled by its extremes: sometimes energetic and loud, sometimes quiet and thoughtful, always full of hidden pleasures. “When I listen to the records I make, the main thing I hope is that every time something happens on them, you’re like, ‘Wow.’ I like to be taken by surprise like that on a record, to kind of be thrown around.”

Still Willing is due for release on 2 August via Bella Union and available to pre-order here.

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