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Loma share video for new single, "Affinity"

26 June 2024, 15:49 | Written by Tyler Damara Kelly

Loma (Emily Cross, Dan Duszynski, Jonathan Meiburg) share "Affinity" as the latest release from their third album, How Will I Live Without a Body?.

"Affinity" is accompanied by an Allison Beondé-directed video, and follows previous singles, "How It Starts", and "Pink Sky".

Loma’s previous album, Don’t Shy Away, was galvanised by the encouragement of Brian Eno. This time, they were inspired by another hero, Laurie Anderson, who offered a chance to work with an AI trained on her work. Meiburg sent it a series of photos; Anderson’s AI responded with two haunting poems. "We used fragments of these poems in ‘How It Starts’ and ‘Affinity’," he says. "And then Dan noticed that one of AI-Laurie’s lines, ‘How will I live without a body?’ would be a perfect name for the album, since we nearly lost sight of each other in the recording process."

How Will I Live Without A Body? will be released on 28 June via Sub Pop and is available topre-order now.

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