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Lava La Rue Lovebites

Lava La Rue shares self-confessed insufferable gay anthem, "LOVEBITES"

24 May 2024, 12:04 | Written by Tyler Damara Kelly

London-based artist Lava La Rue has shared the brand new single, "LOVEBITES", taken from their forthcoming debut album, STARFACE

A truly addictive track “LOVEBITES'' sees Lava musing over the fact her ‘girlfriend has a boyfriend’ – it’s a queer love song that the young artist craved growing up, especially in an alt music space.

Speaking on the track, Lava states: “Lovebites is about being a lover’s lover. In the context of the album it’s about a gender fluid alien falling in love with a human girl who has a boyfriend. I amalgamated my own experiences with the love triangle you see in Doctor Who between the Doctor, Rose (Billie Piper) and Mickey (Noel Clarke)."

"The whole song with all the lyrics/storyline/epic melodies was pretty much completed within an hour of its conception in West Hollywood at Aaron’s (Apob) house," they continue. "I was in a really prince-y mood and once Aaron layed down that bassline & drums then put a microphone in my hand whole song just started pouring out of me like a confession”.

“I feel like now I’m debuting my actual career. With albums, the conversation’s different.” They’re setting out a true statement of intent. Creatively, they’re thinking ahead, too. “I’m just pushing everything,” they say, plainly. There’s always the impulse to try, to strive. There’s always the plan. “I don’t know what the reason to life is, but all I know is that in this time I want to learn as much as possible and live as many lives as possible. And maybe this album can help me do that.”

STARFACE is scheduled for release on 21 June via Dirty Hit, and is available to pre-order now.

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