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Denzel Curry shares Light, the first of three acts from new album TA13OO

25 July 2018, 11:10 | Written by Cerys Kenneally

US rapper Denzel Curry is approaching his album TA13OO in a unique way. The first act, Light, featuring four tracks, was revealed today.

Denzel Curry's highly-anticipated album TA13OO is set to be released in three acts.

The first Light was revealed today with four tracks, "Taboo", "Black Balloons", "Cash Maniac" and "Sumo".

"Black Balloons", featuring Goldlink and Twelve'len, was debuted on Monday 23 July as Annie Mac's Hottest Record.

The Florida rapper still has two acts of his album to release, Gray, and Dark, which will arrive in succession over the next two days (26 and 27 July).

His TA13OO album is expected to explore themes of politics, fame, hatred, paranoia, revenge, love, the current state of music, and his own near death experiences.

Light is available now, Gray drops on 26 July, and the final third act Dark arrives on 27 July. Denzel Curry is beginning his World tour, and will arrive at London's KOKO on 16 December. Find out more.
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