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Buzzard Buzzard Buzzard pay tribute to demolished Cardiff street on "Crescent Man vs Demolition Dan"

14 July 2021, 12:27 | Written by Cerys Kenneally

Buzzard Buzzard Buzzard have released new single "Crescent Man vs Demolition Dan", which sees the group pay tribute to Cardiff's demolished Guildford Crescent street.

Following on from last month's "Warm It Up", Cardiff group Buzzard Buzzard Buzzard have unveiled "Crescent Man vs Demolition Dan", which sees them pay tribute to the controversial demolition of the city's Guildford Crescent street, which was home to Cardiff's Gwdihŵ music venue and restaurants Madeira and Thai House.

Lead vocalist Tom Rees explains, "There’s a street in Cardiff called Guildford Crescent that was recently demolished to make way for some high-rise monstrosity that left a long line of independent businesses dead and buried. Cardiff is kind of morphing into such a culturally devoid hellscape littered with boarded up venues and sun-blocking student residencies, that the only solution the mind can conjure is relying on the intervention of some all powerful superhero capable of turning back time or maybe allocating public funds responsibly."

He continues, "Most annoyingly while we all acknowledge that a superhero could never exist, the villain still does - they knocked down an established music venue and a family owned restaurant, leaving the facade to tremble in the shadow of what antiquated structure will presumably tower over it, much like how a fox would leave an excess of dead chickens lying in the pen, just to remind you who’s boss. The situation seems to be getting bleaker and bleaker and with every failed protest I’m increasingly of the opinion that anyone who believes in effective protest (on this matter at least) might as well believe in superheroes, and even then I still think the fat cats would get one on us."

Rees adds, "All this said though I certainly don’t know what the answer is, if protest doesn’t work then what will? We’re not all going to run for office in a hurry, or maybe we should? Should I practise that thumb-on-top-of-your-fist-I’m-an-honest-and-non-confrontational-person hand gesture thing? I don’t even know how to rack up expenses."

Buzzard Buzzard Buzzard's "Crescent Man vs Demolition Dan" single is out now on Communion.
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