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Beyoncé space shuttle disaster sample upsets NASA

31 December 2013, 11:58 | Written by Luke Morgan Britton

“XO”, the new single from Beyoncé’s recent self-titled album, opens with an audio clip from the 1986 explosion of the space shuttle Challenger. It’s meant as a homage, the singer says, but NASA see it quite differently.

“This choice of historic and solemn audio is inappropriate in the extreme. The choice is little different than taking Walter Cronkite’s words to viewers announcing the death of President Kennedy or 911 calls from the World Trade Center attack and using them for shock value in a pop tune,” former NASA employee Keith Cowing told ABC News, while widow June Scobee Rodgers – who lost her husband and commander Dick Scobee in the disaster – called the situation “emotionally difficult”.

Beyonce, on the other hand, has released the following statement:

“My heart goes out to the families of those lost in the Challenger disaster. The song ‘XO’ was recorded with the sincerest intention to help heal those who have lost loved ones and to remind us that unexpected things happen, so love and appreciate every minute that you have with those who mean the most to you. The songwriters included the audio in tribute to the unselfish work of the Challenger crew with hope that they will never be forgotten.”

You can listen to the sample, and song in full, beneath.

[via Pitchfork]

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