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Honesty BOX

HONESTY announce their forthcoming project, BOX

07 March 2024, 12:56 | Written by Tyler Damara Kelly

Leeds-based collective HONESTY have shared the new track, “CEASE.”, as the first offering from their forthcoming project, BOX.

A 40 min continuous mix of instrumentals, remixes, and new material, BOX sees HONESTY venture further into an introspective, subversive, melting-pot version of club music. The mix features appearances from Florence Shaw (Dry Cleaning), vocalist Ryan Cooke as well as verses from rising UK rappers Rarelyalways and Kosi Tides.

“‘CEASE.’ is a very early idea that went through several different versions and multiple vocalists, eventually ending up as it is now: a lean, stripped-back pop song where our electronic & more traditional band based elements are fighting for dominance," they explain. "Lyrically, we are talking about feelings of abandonment and disappointment, through the eyes of someone who’s dedicated themselves to someone else, and now just wants those feelings to ‘CEASE.’.”

BOX is set for release on 25 April via Partisan Records.

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