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Dayglow self titled

Dayglow announces forthcoming self-titled album

24 June 2024, 15:06 | Written by Tyler Damara Kelly

Indie-pop artist Dayglow has announced his forthcoming self-titled debut album, alongside the brand new single "Cocoon".

The ten-track, official debut album was solely written, performed, recorded, produced, and mixed by Struble himself in his Malibu home studio.

He opens up and shares, “When I was 18 years old, I made my mixtape Fuzzybrain. I was a pretty introverted kid from a reasonably small town in Texas, so I didn’t expect much to happen ‘commercially’ for the record—I just made it for my own enjoyment, really. As a fan of the 2010’s indie music scene (MGMT, The Strokes, Phoenix, Passion Pit, etc.), I wanted to see what kind of album I could make completely alone in my bedroom. So, out of the quest to make something I loved, Dayglow was born. It was a clear reflection of myself at that time. It was pure, naive, goofy, guitar-driven indie-pop made to be played live by a 5-piece band (that I didn’t even have yet).”

“Since then, I’ve fully become Dayglow, and my world has become an odd culmination of everything I didn’t think I’d ever have," he explains. "But I still feel like I haven’t properly introduced myself. So with this new album, I view it as a debut. Self titled, big shabang. The past three records have shown who I was growing up, who my influences were, who I was when I was a kid, so they felt more like mixtapes. Dayglow is finally entering the world in its purest form with clarity and confidence. I want this album to define exactly what Dayglow looks like, sounds like, and feels like.”

DAYGLOW is out on 13 September via Polydor Records, and is available to pre-save now.

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