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Dan Carey and Benjamin Romans-Hopcraft release debut single as Miss Tiny "The Sound"

22 February 2023, 11:14 | Written by Cerys Kenneally

Miss Tiny, the new project of Dan Carey and Benjamin Romans-Hopcraft, have unveiled their debut single "The Sound", and have announced a launch show at Third Man Records in London for next week.

"The Sound" is the first outing from Carey and Romans-Hopcraft as Miss Tiny, a project originally called What It’s Like To Be A Bat (a name from an essay written by American philosopher Thomas Nagel) and debuted last year at Brixton’s The Windmill. They since changed their name to Miss Tiny, a nickname given to Romans-Hopcraft’s grandmother who passed away during recording.

Miss Tiny say of the single, which was recorded at Carey’s ‘Speedy Wunderground’ studio in Streatham, "The song is based around feelings of inner-city claustrophobia. Whether that’s at home, on your way to work, constantly socialising. There’s a certain tone to it all that feels like noise, which I feel like you can either hate or decide to enjoy as a means of running away from your own thoughts."

The duo will celebrate the single release with a launch show at Third Man Records London on Tuesday (28 February). Visit for tickets.

Miss Tiny's "The Sound" single is out now on Speedy Wunderground.

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