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TOTEM shares his post-election frustration with tropical-pop track "Hanging On"

07 April 2017, 15:00 | Written by Matthew Kent

TOTEM's new single "Hanging On" might sound like the carefree soundtrack to lazy days in the sun, but it has a deeper meaning.

The New York-based singer/songwriter has been putting out stellar pop tracks for a while now, but new single "Hanging On" channels his frustrations regarding the policies Donald Trump is attempting to implement in the USA, specifically the proposed Muslim ban. Written back in November, "Hanging On" primarily deals with the disillusionment and anxiety so many people faced waking up to the news that Trump had been elected.

"As a pop songwriter, I wanted to take these really complex things I was feeling as a result of the election and channel them somewhere that still felt good," he explains. "It’s always important to me that my songs have a real perspective."

"Hanging On" manages to capture an essence of hope despite the lyrics which decry the changes. It does this in a similar way that many Scandi stars pair apocalyptic heartbreak with euphoric synth lines and catchy melodies - here we have a political statement backed by tropical-flavoured beats and a rousing , hook-laden chorus.

"Hanging On" is out now.
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