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Snapped Ankles bring the roar and the rumble on new single "Jonny Guitar Calling Gosta Berlin"

10 May 2017, 08:49 | Written by Aaron Powell

Taking the title from Greta Garbo’s 1924 silver screen debut The Saga Of Gosta Berling, "Jonny Guitar Calling Gosta Berlin" sees lunatic woodland scavengers Snapped Ankles venture to the big smoke to wreak untold mayhem.

Inspired by the Old Norse text Konungs Skuggsjá (1250) and Jean-Luc Godard's Weekend, the band' set out to create a post-punk utopia fit for all the creatures of the forest. Clad in rotting moss and armed with an assortment of stringed branches, the fearsome foursome trudge forth to conquer the city, feasting on soft drinks and microwave meals and leaving the polished carcass of their latest single "Jonny Guitar Calling Gosta Berlin" in their wake.

Their latest offering is the latest from upcoming EP The Best Light Is The Last Light -it's a nightmarish post-punk ode, equal parts motorik as it is Mark E. Smith. A full listening of this song is the equivalent of hurtling down the M25 the wrong way whilst a passenger dressed a pine tree proceeds to chainsaw the roof off. Take from that what you will.

The Best Light Is The Last Night is out 30 June via The Leaf Label.
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