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Amercia. The new project from The Cardigans' Nina Persson?

12 December 2012, 20:38 | Written by Rich Thane

Hailing from Stockholm, if newcomers Amercia don’t turn out to be the namesake of The Cardigans vocalist Nina Persson, we’ll eat our collective hat, gloves and scarf in one fell swoop.

Identical in vocal style to Persson, the gorgeous swooning ‘Rushing Into You’ appeared online a day or two ago alongside a rather swampy additional song ’Bully’ and today, a delicate new track called ‘The Black Of My Heart’. No fanfare, no announcement and no additional statement. We’re purely speculating at this point with ‘Rushing Into You’ being the real identikit to Nina’s vocal. That said, the three songs here more than hold up on their own merit – regardless of the personnel involved.

Make up your own mind and listen below. You can find Amercia on Soundcloud here.

EDIT: With hat, gloves and scarf firmly wedged in mouth, it’s come to light that Nina Persson has absolutely nothing to do with Amercia. It is in fact the brand new project of Swedish duo Emelie Leontine and Gustaf Törling. Here’s a picture of the duo performing in Stockholm just a couple of days ago. We’ve been told there’s more material well on its way, but in the mean time, keep an eye on the pair’s Soundcloud over here and follow their Twitterings here.

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