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TLOBF Introducing // David's Lyre

TLOBF Introducing // David's Lyre

08 September 2010, 14:31
Words by Rich Thane

Originally hailing from London but currently based in Manchester, the mainly self-produced sound of David’s Lyre mixes dance infused, often grime-like beats with simple but brilliant melodies, and an outstanding voice. We caught up with the man behind said voice for a quick tête-à-tête.

For people out there that have never heard of you. Give us three reasons why they should?
1) None of my songs feature the word baby, but most of my favourite records do.
2) I was born in the 80′s but grew up in the 90′s. I was raised in London but live in Manchester. There are thus elements of ‘best of both’ to my life, but I happen to dislike that particular brand of bread.
3) Most people seem to think my music is better than I think it is, except for when I attempt to rap, for which the opposite is true.

Can you recall the moment when you first decided you wanted to become a musician?
Working full time in the NHS is enough to drive anyone to seek alternative employment. So I did.

Where do your songs come from? What’s your inspiration?
One of them came from Bangkok but the majority come from Lithuania. I’m inspired by whatever invokes the desire to write a song – memories, people, places, philosophy…

Name your Top 5 records.
John Martin Solid Air
Lauryn Hill Miseducation Of
Margin Gaye What’s Going On
Grizzly Bear Veckatimest
Radiohead Hail To The Thief

What one piece of criticism has stuck in your mind and was it justified?
You don’t smile enough. No

What one thing has caused you to waste your free time in the past 6 months?
Fantasy Football.

If you weren’t making music, what do you think you’d be doing?
Learning how to make music. Or alternatively cooped up in a rural French Patisserie learning how to make killer pastries and becoming very cultured indeed.

What’s the worst job you’ve ever had?
As already said, but Im pretty sure thats the only job other than music that I’ve ever had anyway.

We’d like you to make us a mix-tape. Pick five tracks with a theme of your choice.
Theme: 2008
Ox.Eagle.Lion.Man: ‘Hoof on Bone on Mud’
Little Joy: ‘No One’s Better Sake’
Eugene McGuinness: ‘Fonz’
Metronomy: ‘Heartbreaker’
Esser: ‘I Love You’

Hungry for more? We’ve teamed up with brand new website A Negative Narrative to bring you a companion interview… Although, this one is a little different to the norm. Click here to see the results.

David’s Lyre released his debut single ‘Tear Them Down’ through East City Records this week. A single launch is taking place at The Old Queens Head, Angel (London) tomorrow night (9 September).

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