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TLOBF Interview // worriedsboutsatan vs Her Name Is Calla

TLOBF Interview // worriedsboutsatan vs Her Name Is Calla

25 March 2010, 09:00


With Her Name Is Calla and worriedaboutsatan heading out on a joint tour of the UK, starting THIS VERY WEEKEND, we thought we’d get a sneaky cross-inter-band interview action going…

Bellow, we have the worriedaboutsatan duo answering a mixture of questions from both us, here, at TLOBF, and the epic Her Name Is Calla. If you missed it, you can find the reverse fixture here.

Do you think you’ll ever expand your line up?
Well sometimes it expands depending on who’s around and who can be arsed to play with us! But as for a permanent expansion, I don’t think so! We’re too used to it just being the two of us (*plays bill withers in head*)

What is the thing you’d like to achieve the most?
On a serious note – to play to good people spreading our music across Europe and hopefully sell some records. On a non-serious note – to make it back home in the van, not on foot.

What is your favourite Her Name Is Calla song and your favourite worriedaboutsatan song?
Hmmm… Well my favourite Calla song is With Eyes so full of Sparks of Love, although that new stuff sounds great too. Moss Giant and Thief especially. Worried About Satan? Never heard of em. If you mean worriedaboutsatan, then I guess my favourite of ours is probably Arrivals or Evil Dogs- both have really hypnotic atmospheres!

Do you think bands are becoming increasingly difficult to market?
No not at all. a lot of bands market themselves anyway. there’s a lot to be said from just having a myspace page, 5 recordings and a CD for sale. It just depends how hard you push. I think it’s hard for bands like her name is calla to market themselves because the recordings sound great, but it’s actually myself and Gav (worriedaboutsatan) that write and play all of it..

Make a mixtape for the tour bus – what’s on it?
Good god, you’ve opened up a pandora’s box of utter shite here- on the spokes tour, we had a CD with Papa Roach, Toto, Girls Aloud, and a whole ton of crap nu-metal. Expect nu-metal, and lots of it. And Nickelback. Oh, and Creed too. Anything shit, but amazing, and it’ll be on there.

Will there be some WAS / HNIC cross-over, instrument swapping, song melding action?
Maybe yeah. Tom from HNIC sings on a track of ours and it sounds great live so we might let him.. it’d be great to do every gig improvised.

Before you set out – do you think the best thing will be about touring with HNIC?
Getting ridiculously drunk a lot of the time, and buying excess amounts of porn. Oh, and seeing Europe too!

Do you think the internet has helped increase the bands awareness? Do you welcome this new “blog” culture of music promotion?
It’s a double edged sword. It can be great for bands, but if you rely on it too much and don’t do any work yourself then you’ll find out what happens… HNIC do waaaaaaaaaaaaay too many facebook posts – who cares what you’re having for your tea?!?!?!

What books, films and albums have you been reading, watching and listening to?
Well, me and the missus both read ‘Last Rituals’ by Yrsa Sigurdardottir at the same time recently, and it was amazing! I listened to loads of Richard Skelton’s stuff whilst I read too, so I made it ultra creepy. Last time I went to the cinema, it was to see Where The Wild Things Are, which was ok. There’s always some Arnie going down in our house too, so we watch any of his films pretty often. Commando was on recently!

Who would win in a fight: a stoat or a goat and why?
A goat – it would just tread all over the stoat until it’s brains spilled out. and then it’d eat it.

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