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TLOBF Interview // Her Name Is Calla vs worriedaboutsatan

TLOBF Interview // Her Name Is Calla vs worriedaboutsatan

24 March 2010, 09:00


With Her Name Is Calla and worriedaboutsatan heading out on a joint tour of the UK, starting THIS VERY WEEKEND, we thought we’d get a sneaky cross-inter-band interview action going…

Bellow, we have the Her Name Is Calla guys answering a mixture of questions from both us, here, at TLOBF, and the wonderful duo that make up worriedaboutsatan… Look out for the reverse fixture tomorrow…

How do you think the tour with us will pan out?
I like to think that it’ll be an unforgettable bonding experience for all of us. If we come back at least still talking I would consider it a success.

Will there be any surprises in your live show?
There’s always surprises. I’d like to get through this tour without any injuries this time though. I’m always getting punched or my hand slammed in doors, that kind of thing. Maybe I’m just one of those people that others just like to hit. I’ll try to remain on the stage at all times this time round too. No amp surfing.

How do you feel about headlining over worriedaboutsatan?
It’s a no brainer. It’s the way it’s supposed to be. They’re very lucky to have this opportunity and I hope that they don’t screw it up.

The UK part of the tour has shaped up really well, any particular venue you’re looking forward to? Will there be nakedness?
I’m really looking forward to the Holy Trinity Church in Leeds and the Lexington in London. Two of my personal favourite UK venues.
There’s always a lot of nakedness, but just because Sophie’s (HNIC singer/violinist) boyfriend (Gav, worriedaboutsatan) is on tour with us, it doesn’t mean it’s going to stop.

Will there be some WAS / HNIC cross-over, instrument swapping, song melding action?
I imagine there will be. Sophie and me play on a few WAS songs and we might need them to help out with some walls of sound at some point. Not that we need the help. We just want them to feel included in some way.

Make a mixtape for the tour bus – what’s on it?
Hmm. That would have to be two mixtapes. One for daytime, and one for the evening. I’ve compiled two spotify lists for this also:

For the daytime – HNIC tour
Jimi Hendrix Experience – All Along The Watchtower
Heather Duby – Make Me Some Insomnia
Final Fantasy – This Is The Dream Of Win & Regine
City and Colour – Waiting..
The Walkmen – In The New Year (Single Edit)
Two Gallants – the deader
Calexico – All Systems Red
Guided by Voices – Everywhere With Helicopter
Low – Pissing
Gemma Hayes – Something In My Way
Eels – Railroad Man
Redjetson – This, Every Day, For The Rest Of Your Life
Martin Grech – I Am Chromosome
Cat Power – Metal Heart
The National – Fake Empire
Bat For Lashes – Daniel
Miley Cyrus – The Climb
Michael Jackson – Earth Song – Radio Edit

For the evening – HNIC Tour 10
Ennio Morricone – Il Triello (The Trio – Main Title)
Cat Power – Werewolf
Bat For Lashes – Moon And Moon
Great Lake Swimmers – Songs for the Angels
Guillemots – Little Bear
Lisa Germano – Pearls
Leonard Cohen – The Partisan
Tim Buckley – Phantasmagoria in Two
Ennio Morricone – Once Upon A Time In The West
Nina Simone – Wild Is The Wind – Live Version – September 15, 1959
Emmylou Harris – Boulder To Birmingham
Marvin Gaye – Abraham, Martin & John
King Creosote – And The Racket They Made
Ennio Morricone – L’Estasi Dell’oro (The Ecstasy Of Gold)

Before you set out – what do you think the best thing will be about touring with WAS?
Well they both use telecaster’s in WAS, like me. So it’ll be nice to have a back up incase mine gets wrecked I guess.

Do you think the internet has helped increase the bands awareness? Do you welcome this new “blog” culture of music promotion?
Definitely, though I sometimes they’d ask permission before uploading our records. We’d say yes, it’s just nice to be asked is all. I love that there’s still lots of people getting excited enough about music that they feel that they have to write something about it, whether that be good or bad. The internet has of course allowed bands to target their music at more people than ever before and it’s great being able to interact directly with listeners from all over the world. There’s quite a few blogs that I enjoy reading also, some of which I prefer to go to the more established ‘official’ music sites.

What books, films and albums have you been reading, watching and listening to?
I’ve been watching Garth Merenghi’s Darkplace solidly now for about two years. I also work as a prjectionist at a little cinema in Pocklington, Yorkshire so I get to see quite a few films. I really enjoyed ‘Where the Wild Things Are’. I’m a subscriber to the National Geographic so I enjoy reading that a lot. Listening-wise, i’ve mainly been spending time on our record so haven’t really listened to much new music. Though I’m looking forward to Owen Pallet’s new album. Adam Calla lent me ‘Lanterns’ by Clogs as well which is great – though that’s a few years old.

Who would win in a fight: a stoat or a goat and why?
I really couldn’t care less.

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