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Introducing: Keyboard Choir

Introducing: Keyboard Choir

23 April 2008, 11:30
Words by Rich Hughes


Oxford’s Keyboard Choir have, with their debut, released an album so full of great music that takes in a whole breadth of influences, we had to name them our new favourite band. So, as part of our sparkly new feature, we found out when makes them tick…

For people out there that have never heard of you. Give us three reasons why they should…
We have dancing robots. We reflect the encroaching sense of terror and despair at the increasing likelihood of global apocalypse, and we have some happy songs too.

Can you recall the moment when you first decided you wanted to become a musician?
Yes, at age 3 and a half when I first heard The Pink Panther.

Where do your songs come from? What’s your inspiration?
See above, climate change, religious nutjobs with bombs and drug psychosis.

What was the first gig you ever played and was it a success?
We played at a multimedia arts festival in a deconsecrated church in Oxford. We booked the gig before we had any songs but it went spiffingly.

What’s been your most memorable on the road story so far?
Ady used his hotel points to secure a penthouse suite after a gig in Cambridge, we drank some lemonade and went to bed early.

How much artist control do you possess over your music? Are you interested in how the album looks and how you’re marketed?
Up until this point it’s all been very DIY so we’ve had total control. John Brainlove wants to sack us all and replace us with swim wear models but we’ve already had a clause put into the contract to prevent this.

What music are you enjoying right now? Any recommendations for our readers to check out?
Loads of amazing up and coming bands, Dead Singer, Jonquil, Stornoway, Eduard Soundingblock and some icelandic bird called Bjork, she has lasers.

Name your Top 5 records.
Blonde on Blonde by Bob Dylan
Entroducing by DJ Shadow
Druqks by Aphex Twin
Clockwork Orange OST by Wendy Carlos
Souvlaki by Slowdive

What’s the worst job you’ve ever had?

Retail at Christmas time is something no one should endure. No one, Ever.

Tell us a joke.
What do you call a drummer without a girlfriend? Homeless.

mp3:> Keyboard Choir: ‘Bugs’

Keyboard Choir [myspace] [album review]

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