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Introducing :: Hannah Georgas

Introducing :: Hannah Georgas

13 October 2009, 18:35
Words by Ro Cemm

We featured Vancouver songstress Hannah Georgas way back in the July edition of Oh! Canada, where we showcased the ridiculously catchy ‘Beat Stuff’ from her debut EP. Since then there’s been a lot going on: she performed with ‘Best band friends’ and fellow Vancouverites Said The Whale at Ottowa’s Canada Day celebrations, and released a split ep with touring Raconteur Mark Watrous. On top of all this shes unexpectedly been thrust in the limelight after penning the jingle to Walmart’s back to school campaign with Mother Mother member Ryan Guldemond. Although originally written as a jingle, the song has proved so popular that a campaign was started for it to be turned in to a new song which is available for free from the company’s website. She’s also been using her new found popularity to promote awareness of a cause close to her heart, Juvenile Diabetes. Hannah found time to chat to Oh! Canada about dancing like crazy ladies, the usefullness of sisters with a knowledge of hemlines and her discount bra selling hell between dates of her cross Canada tour with Said The Whale.

For people out there that have never heard of you. Give us three reasons why they should?
If you’re looking for new, original, captivating, endearing, edgy, indie pop music

Can you recall the moment when you first decided you wanted to become a musician?
Growing up as a kid I remember my dad rocking out on the piano in front of all my friends/family . My sisters and I would freeeeak out and dance around him like crazy ladies. He inspired me to want to learn the piano. I started writing music when I was really little on the piano (5 or 6) and I remember wanting to sing in front of anyone that would listen or give me the time of day. My mom forced me to compete in piano festivals and signed me up for piano camp. I remember not enjoying it at first but later becoming addicted to the rush of performing in front audiences.

Where do your songs come from? What was the inspiration behind “The National”?
Songs comes from the people I surround myself with, places/environment I’m living in, past and current relationships with lovers, family and friends, artists that inspire me, dreams,..
The National is inspired by a dream that I had. I dreamt that I ran into an ex lover of mine at one of ‘The National’ concerts. My ex and I reunited and made up in my dream. Very happy ending. In real life, him and I had a really bad breakup and cut eachother off completely for 2 yrs. Not so happy ending. It took a long time for us to move on and get over things.

Name your Top 5 records
The Boxer by The National
Marvin The Album by Frente!
Mellon Collie and The Infinite Sadness by The Smashing Pumpkins
Kala by MIA
Is This It by The Strokes

What was the first gig you ever played and was it a success? How have the live shows been going?
The first gig I ever played was at community centre in my hometown with a pop punk band I joined in highschool. Not the best gig ever but it was successful for me because it made me realize how much I love to play my music live and with a band. Live shows have been going really well. I’ve had some really great opportunities come my way and have had a blast being part of them. I feel like I improve after each show and learn something new about myself after every performance. I’m my own worst critic and want to continue bettering my performances all the time.

What one piece of criticism has stuck in your mind and was it justified?
My sister attended a gig of mine in Toronto. As I was soundchecking and getting ready to get things going I noticed her at the front trying to wave me down. I knelt down on the stage and asked her what was up. She told me she could practically see my bum cheeks because my dress was too short. Good piece of criticism and note to self…Bootie shorts must be worn while wearing short dresses on stage.

What one thing has caused you to waste your free time in the past 6 months?
the interweb. I spend a lot of time online w myspace, facebook, and twitter, and youtube,… It can consume more time than I’d like.

If you weren’t making music, what do you think you’d be doing?
music therapist, child care worker, fitness instructor..wishing I was making music.

What’s the worst job you’ve ever had?
Working at a discount bra store

What is the first song you put on when you wake up?
the last couple days it’s been Pace Is the Trick by Interpol

We’d like you to make us a mix-tape. Pick five tracks with a theme of your choice.
Theme- Amazing songs by sexy indie male artists.
Red Hot Drops by Chad Vangaalen
Driver, Surprise Me by The National
The Road Leads Where Its Led by Secret Machines
Untitled by Interpol
Listzomania by Pheonix

One Canadian band you should listen to (that isn’t your band)?
I’ll name 5 :)
Wintermitts, Mother Mother, Said The Whale, Jeremy Fisher, Chad Vangaalen

Here’s the video for Hannah’s debut single Beat Stuff, which you can also download as part of Oh! Canada volume 2

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