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After Hours: Sons Of Noel and Adrian

After Hours: Sons Of Noel and Adrian

02 September 2008, 09:30
Words by Rich Thane


This weeks edition of After Hours comes courtesy of one of our favourite-est new bands: Sons Of Noel and Adrian. You’ve already read how much we love their debut self-titled album (out now on Shels Records) so we thought we’d catch up with the two main men responsible Tom Cowan and Jacob Richardson to find out what they’ve been listening, reading and watching over the past few months.

Who’s your favourite new band at the moment? Tell us a bit about them.
Tom Cowan: The Leisure Society, based in london they make beautiful acoustic pop music. Sublime three minute songs to rival The Beatles and The Beach Boys. (The Leisure Society on MySpace)
Jacob Richardson: Dirty Three, Dirty Projectors, -A+M, The Leisure Society

What’s been the best album you’ve heard in the last 12 months?
JR: The Letting Go by Bonnie Prince Billy and Comicopera by Robert Wyatt
TC: Shoreline’s Time Well Spent. Released through Willkommen records in Brighton on 22nd September. A sublime, beautiful journey.

What was the last book you read? Would you recommend it?
JR: ‘God Hanger’, it’s about birds who have a faith. Yes
TC: Michael Bulghakov’s ‘Heart Of The dog’. A great tale from Russia under the communist iron curtain. A cheeky expose banned for decades. To read it now sheds a great light on that era.

What was the last film your saw in the cinema and was it any good?
: I just saw ‘Man On Wire’ about a French chap who walked a tightrope between the World Trade Centre in the 70s. An inspirational tale to lift the ambitions of every living person on this planet. Go and seize your dreams!
Yes Batman, ’twas ok but l don’t really do the cinema.

If push came to shove, what’s your all-time favourite song and why?
JR: Difficult, but it would have to be ‘Lesson’s From What’s Poor’ from Master and Everyone. It’s a song l can relate with. Sons of Noel and Adrian have covered this song.
TC: ‘Daybreak’, by Shoreline. It’s a waltz about gay love.

MP3 / CD / Vinyl: what’s your format of choice?
JR: It’s not about the format. As long as those sound waves get into an ear l really couldn’t care.
TC: I’d go with vinyl but i have no record player. I’d love to use an iPod gadget but haven’t got one yet so I’m still hooked on the CD.

What’s the best TV show you’re currently following?
TC: I have no TV.
The Olympics. It makes me emotional.

What one piece of criticism has stuck in your mind and was it justified?
TC: I was told by the singer of The Miserable Rich (Humblesoul) to pull my finger out of my arse and do something with my band so i did.
The fucking bread hasn’t proved enough!

What one thing has caused you to waste your free time in the past 6 months?
JR: Feeding people.
TC: Love.

Do you follow any type of sport? If so, who’s your “home team”?
JR: l like to watch rugby, Wales would be the team with big arms and big hearts.

What’s your poison?
JR: Any sort of poison is good for me.
TC: Red WIne.

We’d like you to make us a mix-tape. Pick five tracks with a theme of your choice.
Theme would be “music to listen to when you cook then fuck”
‘Just As You Are’ by Robert Wyatt
‘Daybreak’ by Shoreline
‘Ever Since’ by The Dirty Three
‘Esthers Nose Job’ Soft Machine
‘Dying Son’ by The Laish Band

Sons Of Noel and Adrian on MySpace

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