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After Hours: J. Tillman

04 June 2008, 13:30
Words by Rich Thane

Not only is he the newest member of the magnificent Fleet Foxes, Josh Tillman is also a highly respected solo artist in his own right. Having released three albums over the same number of years, Tillman has just finished his fourth Vacilando Territory Blues which is set for release at some point this year. We caught up with Josh a few days ago to find out what he’s been listening/reading/watching over the past few months.

To find out more about Tillman’s work, check out our TLOBF Loves piece on him from a couple of days ago.

Who’s your favourite new band at the moment? Tell us a bit about them.
An instrumental group from Texas called Balmorhea. It’s pretty classically informed and a great sucker-punch for the Western ear. “River Arms” has been great company on bike rides, etc.

What’s been the best album you’ve heard in the last 12 months?
The Daktaris “Soul Explosion”

What was the last book you read? Would you recommend it?
I just finished “The God Delusion” by Richard Dawkins. Carrying that book around is something of a confrontation sandwich board and I’ve had to diffuse quite a few “witnessing” attempts on airplanes, gettng coffee, etc. I’d recommend it for private enjoyment, or to invest in a Bible book cover.

What was the last film your saw in the cinema and was it any good?
I tend to only see truly shit movies in the theater, but Robin Pecknold and I just watched a documentary called “Darkon” about a live-action role-player community (LARP’ers) in Baltimore, MD that was seriously incredible. Other than that I did go check out Iron Man, which didn’t disappoint.

If push came to shove, what’s your all-time favourite song and why?
Yikes. “Strangers” by the Kinks. If I could tell you why it might not have the right stuff to be a favorite song.

MP3 / CD / Vinyl: what’s your format of choice?
I didn’t become iPod enabled until just recently and subsequently got rid of my CD player. I’ve been getting along pretty fantastically with just that and the turntable. I like that the two mediums provide polar opposite listening experiences.

What’s the best TV show you’re currently following?
My lady and I just spent a few weeks in the bunker doing nothing but watching the Wire on DVD.

What one piece of criticism has stuck in your mind and was it justified?
Someone once described a show of mine as “relentlessly, staggeringly boring.” I’m not sure I’ve ever read a more perfect sentence.

What one thing has caused you to waste your free time in the past 6 months?
I’ve spent the vast majority of my free time lately reading polemics about gnostic gospels, Trilateralist conspiracies, the history of the devil, Annunaki, and Freemasons. so yeah. Kind of a time waster. Oh, Jesus, and I’m on a tour with a guy with a PSP and am completely hooked.

Do you follow any type of sport? If so, who’s your “home team”?
Sports don’t quite do it for me. I can’t really watch it without ruining it for other people by blathering about jingoism, nationalism and how goddamn boring it is. I’d probably enjoy watching sports with Noam Chomsky or something.

What’s your poison?
Marijuana and coffee.

We’d like you to make us a mix-tape. Pick six tracks with a theme of your choice.
Tillman’s Marijuana and Coffee Mixtape:
King Tubby and The Aggrovators “A Colder Version”
Ali Farka Toure “Devele Wague”
Matt Sweeney and Bonnie “Prince” Billy “Blood Embrace”
Steely Dan “Aja”
Dorothy Ashby “Wax and Wane”
Maurice Ravel “Miroirs 1-5″

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