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After Hours: David Cronenberg's Wife

After Hours: David Cronenberg's Wife

19 August 2008, 12:00
Words by Rich Thane


After Hours is back after a short vacation. We’ve been in touch with tons of your favourite artists as well as some of our new favourite acts to find out what they’ve been listening/reading/watching etc. Kicking things off this week is David Cronenberg’s Wife‘s lead singer Tom Mayne. We were rather taken with their debut album Bluebeards Room and thought we’d get inside his head a little bit more.. Turns out he’s a bit of an agraphobe in his spare time – perhaps that explains some of the paranoia strewn lyrics that run throughout the album..

Who’s your favourite new band at the moment? Tell us a bit about them.
Paul Hawkins & The Awkward Silences. Have to be seen to be believed. Hawkins isn’t your average rock star. He can’t sing for one and writes songs about lonely old men dying at the bottom of stairs after intentionally throwing themselves down them. That’s my kind of song.

What’s been the best album you’ve heard in the last 12 months?
The Empire Strikes Back by The Country Teasers.

What was the last book you read? Would you recommend it?
I’d recommend ‘Straw Dogs: Thoughts on Humans and other Animals’ by John Gray.

What was the last film your saw in the cinema and was it any good?
I don’t go out. Too frightening. But I watch a lot of films on DVD. Last one was probably Liv Ullman’s ‘Faithless’. Man, it’s depressing. I love it.

If push came to shove, what’s your all-time favourite song and why?
1970, The Stooges. That moment at 2.07 is flabbergasting.

MP3 / CD / Vinyl: what’s your format of choice?
I grew up with CDs. I like proper jewel cases (not digipacks) for the same reason.

What’s the best TV show you’re currently following?
Wrestling. I love it. But it ain’t like the old days.

What one piece of criticism has stuck in your mind and was it justified?
“Whenever you feel like criticizing any one just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had.” It’s been turning over in my mind ever since.

What one thing has caused you to waste your free time in the past 6 months?
Texas Hold ‘Em Poker. But it’s certainly not a waste. I challenge any other band to a poker challenge. DCW will win.

Do you follow any type of sport? If so, who’s your “home team”?
Apart from wrestling, I love the Minnesota Twins (baseball). And Man City if we have to talk football. They combine the right amount of profundity and comedy.

What’s your poison?
Vodka. With a little bit of ice, please.

We’d like you to make us a mix-tape. Pick five tracks with a theme of your choice.
I’d make you something cheery, uplifting and life-affirming:
Twilight Hour by The The
The Kids by Lou Reed
6″ Gold Blade by Birthday Party
Famous Blue Raincoat by Leonard Cohen
Gentleman on Crutches by Paul Hawkins

Look out next week for an After Hours session with the marvellous Hawnay Troof!

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