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A Christmas Miracle: A Seasonal Interview with Frightened Rabbit

14 December 2007, 11:00
Words by Rich Hughes

It’s almost Christmas so what better way to celebrate than catch up with Grant and Scott from Frightened Rabbit for a more seasonal chat over a mince pie and glass of mulled wine. We find out what they’re doing for Christmas and maybe start an inter-pop relationship with Kate Nash whilst we’re at it…

Merry Christmas! How has the passing year been for you guys?
It’s been a very good year for us. We’ve signed to Fat Cat, toured the US and recorded a new album. It’s been a lot of fun.

How are you going to spend the festive season this year? Will it involve games, beer and maybe naked twister in the snow?
We’ll be in Selkirk this Christmas which will definitely involve games (guitar hero, trivial pursuit and soggy bread) and beer/cider (hoegaarden, addlestones) and naked twister (saggy boobs, small willies and shrunken scrotums) and lot’s of severed Santa heads.

When did you first discover that Santa Claus is in fact not real, but a marketing scam by Coca Cola?
I discovered Santa didn’t exist at the same time I realised Jesus was a scam. I noticed my Mum’s handwriting was very similar to Jesus’…

What’s your take on Christmas stuffing? Do you prefer it inside the turkey, or on the side of your plate as an accompaniment?
I prefer to be stuffed from the back.

What inspired you to write a Christmas song? It seems to talk about the negative side of Christmas, the self indulgence and fake smiles. Would you say it was more of an anti-Christmas anthem?
It’s not really intended to be negative it’s supposed to be truthful and an honest representation of what christmas is. It’s about being friendly to those who you are not friends with anymore and being loving to those who you don’t love anymore.

Are you guys fans of Malcolm Middleton? What do you make of his bid for the Christmas top spot? Do you reckon he’s got a chance? “We’re all going to die” is a lovely, cheerful, message for the kids don’t you think?
Ehhh mmmmm ehmmmm bummmmmmmm ehhhhh… Its a great song and certainly deserves more popularity than anything churned out of the X-Factor sewage works. I back it (with Frightened Rabbit a close number 2 of course).

What one thing would you change about Christmas?
Take the C out to make Hristmas a national holiday.

What will be your lasting memory of 2007?
Playing at Indian Summmer Festival the day after our brother’s wedding. The best weekend of our lives.

How did the recording of the second album go? Can you tell us a bit about it?
We went in intending to make a super pop record and we hope we have done so. It’s Frightened Rabbit without the crackles and pops, including the fucks and the cunts.

What was it like working with the acclaimed producer Peter Katis? Did he bring anything new and different to the sessions?
Peter doesn’t really come across as some shitfuckhot producer. He’s very humble and passionate about making great records. This is what we all hope has been done this new record.

What does 2008 hold for Frightened Rabbit?
We hope to be playing loads and load of shows. Also, I’d love to kiss Kate Nash on the lips.

And, finally, if you’ve been good boys, what do you think Santa will bring you for Christmas this year?
We have not been very good boys really, but a wee kiss from Kate Nash would not go astray (ON MY LIPS).

Frightened Rabbit [official site] [myspace] [20 questions] [album review]

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