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20 Questions with…Ungdomskulen

03 April 2008, 13:34
Words by Rich Thane

Hailing from Bergen in Norway, Ungdomskulen released their brand new single this week; ‘Modern Drummer’ is a genre defying assault on the senses in the best possible way. We gave guitarist/vocalist Kristian Stockhaus the 20Q’s treatment a few weeks ago. In turn, he ressurected John Peel and told us his thoughts on time travel.

The stoat/goat question fell a bit flat though. Maybe we should start adding a disclaimer along with the questions; “The stoat (Mustela erminea) is a small mammal of the family Mustelidae. It is also known as the short-tailed weasel and the ermine.” That’s cleared that up. Anyway, on with the questions..

1. Describe your sound in 3 words.
Men at work.
2. What was the first record you ever bought? And where did you buy it?
W.A.S.P – The Last Command at age 4 in Stockholm, Sweden. I had to choose between candy or earcandy and i chose the latter.
3. What’s the best cure for a hangover?
Hanging out with friends.
4. What’s on your rider?
Lottery tickets, demo´s from local bands and fruit.
5. How do you get ready for a live show?
We stretch ,bend, pull, twist, jump, flex and howl at the moon.
6. What’s your favourite song to play live?
7. What’s your guilty pleasure?
It’s all about pleasure without the guilt. That way it stays pleasurable.
8. Who would win in a fight, a stoat or a goat and why?
What the hell is a stoat?
9. What was the last album you bought?
Spike Jones – Murdering The Classsics
10. If you could rid the world of one song – what would it be?
I guess it would be interesting to get rid of a really good, popular song and then see if someone else would come up with something similar. Or even, what the world would be like if you went back in time and erased a certain song just to see if it had any impact on the world as we know it. The thing is though, that its impossible to travel back further in time than to the date of which the time-travel machine was invented. So if one would get rid of one song, we would still have to wait for the time-machine to be built and then
wait for the song to become popular. Let’s decide which song that’s gotta go by then.
11. Who would play you in a film based upon your life?
Kascha would play all of us.
12. Dead or alive. What 5 acts would you have play with you at a festival?
Our festival is gonna be located deep in the woods of Canada, think Ewok-land. There will only be one stage, and alot of VIP-huts in the trees for the elderly and conservative, this is where the afterparties are gonna be after showtime. All the bands will play their best songs, no jamming bob! There will be fresh water running from a creek nearby and there’s a lake where everyone can go skinny-dipping. John Peel is the inhouse dj, and his music is blasting from speakers hidden in the forrest. Calvin Johnson will be the inhouse dancer, and Andy Kaufman is the master of ceremonies. The filmcrew from woodstock is gonna catch it all on tape.
Here is the lineup:
The Zombies feat. Vangelis, who is all over the place with his synths. MF Doom battling Bob Dylan over Phil Elverums cacophonic rangle-tangle drone samba-drums. Bad Brains with Kate Bush as a dancer. The Waitresses with Bill Clinton on sax. Nirvana dressed as David Bowie, who would join them onstage dressed as Mudhoney, who’d also join later, dressed as Iman.
13. If push comes to shove, what is your all-time favourite album?
Nirvana – Nevermind
14. What’s your most memorable on the road story?
The one about us getting served good food and getting to sleep in really nice beds.
15. If your life flashed before your eyes, what would be the highlights?
The stuff inbetween the commercials.
16. What’s the best piece of advice someone has ever given you and did you take notice?
Don’t be weird.
17. If you had to leave a body part to science, what would it be?
A mean dogs tail.
18. What’s the best book you’ve read and film you’ve seen in the last 6 months?
Book – “The Wind-up Bird Chronicle” by Haruki Murakami, he’s a bona-fide genius.
Film – “No Country For Old Men”, it was amazing with a capital Z.
19. What three things could you not live without?
Q&A’S, unconditional friendship and girls with 50′s sunglasses and a sixpack of Stella in their handbags.
20. Tell us a fact about yourself we probably don’t already know
We are deeply into freemasonry.

Ungdomskulen [myspace]

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