20 Questions with... Mystery Jets
The Mystery Jets are currently recording the follow up to last years criminally undervalued debut Making Dens. Here, we catch up with guitarist William Rees as he answers our well endowed 20 Questions.
1. Describe your sound in 3 words.
Many malodious odours
2. What would be your ideal holiday?
Me, my girlfriend, a book and some monkeys.
3. Whats the best cure for a hangover?
4. What’s on your rider?
Apples, Pears, Towels, Nuts, Yop, Bread, Butter. Nothing strange.
5. How do you get ready for a live show?
We sing in a big circle, we’re either totally excited or really scared.
6. Favourite song to play live?
Zoo Time
7. When was the last time you told a lie?
Question 1 of this interview.
8. Who would win in a fight, a stoat or a goat and why?
Goat…..very horny.
9. What was the last album you bought?
DAF - Alles ist gut.
10. If you could rid the world of one song - what would it be?
Star Spangled banner…..but then Hendrix would never have covered it, which would be a shame.
11. Who would play you in a film based upon your life?
Edward Norton
12. Dead or alive. What 5 acts would you have play with you at a festival.
Late Of The Pier, The Associates, Jesus and Mary Chain, KLF, and Cyndi Lauper.
13. Desert Island Disc? Pick only one.
ABC - Lexicon of Love.
14. What’s your most memorable on the road story?
Flying over Texas with thunder and lightning in the sky.
15. If your life flashed before your eyes, what would be the highlights?
I don’t know, running away from school, playing at fuji rock in Japan, meeting certain people - Blaine (Harrison - vocalist) being one of them
16. Do you read your own reviews?
Yes…..its a form of lust, ego lust that is. Horrible. But sometimes its nice to know what people think.
17. Are you a morning bird or a night fox?
Both i think, i go through cycles.
18. If you could travel back in time where would you set the dial?
I’d go to Rome and be a gladiator hero.
19. What three things could you not live without?
The people in my band, morning muesli and guitars.
20. Tell us a fact about yourself we probably don’t already know.
My feet can smell very bad…i don’t know why, i’ve researched the possible causes and i’m still left clueless.
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