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TLOBF Loves… Passion Pit

TLOBF Loves… Passion Pit

01 September 2008, 09:30
Words by Tom Whyman


In my boyish, bug-eyed enthusiasm, every now and then a song will come along into my life and I’ll hear it and just be like: “yup, *that’s* pretty much where music is right now, my life from hereon out is basically going to be defined by this song. This song… this is the song for me.” I’ve felt that way about all sorts- ‘Mr Your On Fire Mr’ by Liars, ‘The Leanover’ by Life Without Buildings, ‘The End And Everything After’ by Johnny Foreigner, ‘I Wish I Was A Manatee’ by Jam On Bread, ‘Legg’ by I’m Widely Spread… all sorts. And anyway, I pretty much feel that way about ‘Sleepy Head’ by Passion Pit right now.

Its just perfect easy listening-gone-wrong. Glitchy, sped-up Kanye West-style vocal loops, lead guy Michael Angelakos’ blue-eyed soul croon over a main section of song that with a similar feel to me for some reason to in particular ‘You Are A Runner And I Am My Father’s Son’ Wolf Parade- another song there that at one point in my life I feel fleetingly completely in love with. Well, that’s the best I can do to describe it. That doesn’t even come close to getting to the actual *essence* of its glittering and slightly odd majesty. *Handclaps* too. Fucking *handclaps*. Everything about its construction is just so perfect, it doesn’t need to fit into any sort of movement or sound or anything, it just needs to be heard by as many people as possible and become some sort of anthem for forever.

Well that’s probably all a massive exaggeration but still. Passion Pit are from Cambridge, Massachusets. They’re led by this guy Michael Angelakos, according to their myspace they got going when he made an EP for a present for his girlfriend or something. They have some other really good songs too, particularly ‘Better Things’. Their EP, Chunk Of Change, containing both ‘Sleepy Head’ AND ‘Better Things’, is coming out, I presume in America (but since when is that an obstacle to people who don’t live there nowadays?), on September 16th, and apparently they have a full-length album coming out in early 2009. They’re just really an ace pop band you should hear. Yay!

Passion Pit on MySpace

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