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ONLY ONE MODE justifies SPEED's hype


Release date: 12 July 2024
16 July 2024, 09:00 Written by Ross Horton

It’s so rare that a band who operate in the punk sphere – especially the hardcore community – manage to attract so much attention and so much devotion this early in their career.

Especially to the point that they get booked for Download and Hellfest without releasing a single album, but one listen to SPEED's debut should tell you why.

Thankfully, ONLY ONE MODE more than justifies the hype, and makes the kind of opening statement Iceage made with New Brigade back in 2011 – another sub-30 minute punk banger that felt like just a tiny preview of the immense talents that lie within the band. ONLY ONE MODE is a much more aggressive album than that one, with much more focus on riffs and ‘beatdown’ aesthetics, but it still finds space to add a surprising range of interesting textures and sonic digressions.

The band – brothers Jem Aaron Siow (vocals and bass respectively), Josh Clayton and Dennis Vichidvongsa on guitars, and Kane Vardon on drums, are clearly more than proficient at what they do, but it’s clear they’ve got so much more potential, and so much more to deliver over the coming years.

The album opens with “REAL LIFE LOVE”, some delicate, airy tones before a crushing riff enters and just destroys everything in its wake. The drums, when they arrive, are crisp - a perfect balance of muscle and clarity. The clean vocals on second track "DON’T NEED" are the first real clue that you’re dealing with more than just a band of brutes – they take risks but they all tend to pay off.

“NO LOVE BUT FOR OUR OWN” is a monstrous, thunderous beast of a song, and it’s followed by “ONLY FOES…”, which it blends into, seamlessly. One might suppose that one of the main (genuine) gripes that someone might have with this record, or a large swathe of hardcore in general, might be that lots of the songs sound the same – but with each successive listen the structures of the songs cut through the haze.

“THE FIRST TEST” is SPEED’s most well-known song, for one reason in particular – and if you’ve not already heard them, it’s a fantastic place to start (no spoilers). If you’ve got no idea how to dance at a hardcore show, either, then the music video is a fantastic tutorial.

Then you’ve also got “SEND THEM TO SYDNEY” and “I MEAN IT”, which are two of their most powerful songs, each containing a clear message about Jem Siow’s take on modern life. His lyrics are consistently touching on subjects like self-actualisation and the joys of friendship, two things the hardcore community excel at.

This is a truly exciting album in sound and prospect. These songs are clearly made to be performed live, and you can only imagine the extra level of power they’ll find when they play for bigger crowds. SPEED are a fantastic band, with a fantastic message, and a fantastic debut album. Highly recommended.

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